Life is Good

Things I never thought I’d miss about Kenya…

 Drinking lukewarm Coke out of a glass bottle
 Calling for a Motor Taxi; properly called a Piki-Piki
 The faint (sometimes not so faint) scent of charcoal burning
 Having to dodge a herd of goats while walking the neighborhood
 Knowing what time in the morning it is by what birds you hear outside your window
 Spending an hour rolling out homemade tortillas with Kim
 Buying phone credit
 Having Thursday dinners with amazing friends. Oh wait, I knew I’d miss that!
 Laughing at how many Kenyans can fit in a minivan
 Waiting over an hour for lunch
 Being called a Mzungu (white person)

Things I like about being in TX…
 Cold canned Diet Dr Pepper
 My mom’s cooking
 Having a washing machine and dryer
 Lavender fabric softner
 My bed
 Cable TV
 My nieces and nephew
 Family ( new and old )
 Scented candles

There are so many things I am missing. Most of them I was prepared for because I knew I would be gone several months. Some things are because my amazing friends The Huffmans have returned to their home in Kitale. I look at all the pictures, see the kids faces and the new buildings going up, and think about all the amazing things God is doing and I am itching to get back. I continue to remind myself to soak up all the great luxuries of being home in TX. This part of my life is to prep for the next phase. Sometimes preparation looks different than we assume it will look like. For now I will eat, laugh, share, pray, and be. Life is good.

A New Season

It’s been cold outside! I’m sure most of you have noticed. I have come to the final realization I like warm weather. I like a snow day every now and again, but for the most part I like the warmth of the sun. The weather reports are looking promising! They, I guess this means the experts, are saying warm weather is right around the corner. I am oh so happy about it, too. Sometimes what we see in the physical only mirrors the thing that God is doing in the spiritual. This past weekend I really felt a shift in the seasons. I’m talking about the spiritual season I am in. I was hanging out with my sweet friends the Huffmans for the last time until we meet again on Kenyan soil and it hit me. They are about to take off and I am really shifting into full gear with all the amazing stuff happening within Mattaw. As of now I have about 2 1/2 months before I am leaving. This blows my mind! I attended a Mattaw house party in San Angelo and was being introduced as, “This is Betsy and she is with us full time in Kitale”. It is such a dream come true and an honor to hear that. This weekend just kind of set the tone for the next couple of months. Today I have been busy writing emails and trying to make some connections with friends and family so I can have the opportunity to share about what I am doing this year. There is also such growth that is happening at Mattaw that needs to be shared. I love talking about what is happening because it is only by the power and tangible presence of God that it’s manifesting.
This season has so much in store! I am in awe everyday with how God uses me. The reality that I get to do what I do, go where I go, and live where I live humbles me.
If you are interested in having me share at your church or you’re interested in hosting a party at your house please contact me or leave a comment. I have many handmade African crafts for sell and I’m always looking for opportunities to share. You may even be led to support me financially. You can do that! Every penny allows me to be in Kenya and help rescue and love the poorest of the poor.
Thank you for reading and supporting me.

Psalm 2:8